Yes, it's a bit "short" and could be considered rude. Privacy Policy It has also conducted several missions to neighbouring countries. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. you too, my love. Q But it is equally important to do things right. And, likewise "Cleopatra." Find more words! Learning Spanish should be fun. It is equally likely that she will or will not come. 1. vote. 2. (Igual/Igualmente) The same/It's been a pleasure to me as well. Translations in context of "igualmente" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: é igualmente, igualmente ser, ser igualmente, igualmente importante, deve igualmente. Que se le recuerde, igualmente, que. Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Igualmente" Translations Los tres son igualmente importantes, señor Comisario. Equally, it disheartens the country's committed democrats. ¡Gracias, igualmente! Norsk More Sentences: 1 2 3 Neighbors "igualda" in a sentence , "igualdad" in a sentence , "igualeja" in a sentence , "igualmente" in a sentence , "igualt" in a sentence , "iguana delicatissima" in a sentence , "iguana entertainment" in a sentence , "iguana entertainment uk" in a sentence , "iguana fv4" in a sentence , Tee. Nederlands Translations of the word IGUALMENTE from spanish to english and examples of the use of "IGUALMENTE" in a sentence with their translations: Igualmente importante, los … See 6 authoritative translations of Igualmente in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. E Es igualmente aplicable a los países industrializados. Igualmente, desanima a los demócratas comprometidos del país. We offer free self-study courses for students of all levels. I would not use it for greetings. Suscribo, igualmente, la idea de condicionalidad. . Estaremos igualmente activos, pero sin concesiones. igualmente, mi amor. I believe 'igualmente' is used more when you meet someone for the first time and they say to you 'mucho gusto' - meaning pleased to meet you - and you answer 'igualmente' - meaning pleased to meet you too. There is something else that is equally unacceptable. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. This is also applicable to industrialized nations. S U Suomi También les estamos, sin embargo, igualmente agradecidos. Español Traducir igualmente de español a Inglés. igualmente probable adv + adj (misma probabilidad) equally likely adv + adj : just as likely expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." X Full list of teacher resources here. A —gracias, igualmente “Happy Christmas!” — “thanks, likewise or the same to you”. 4. Omite igualmente cualquier mención de la agricultura. Igualmente ha efectuado varias misiones a países vecinos. Find words for igualmente in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. F ¿Por qué no podemos aplicarlo igualmente a los tractores? Mais um assunto igualmente feliz. Translate igualmente into English. I am also grateful to those who tabled amendments. Free resources to help you enjoy learning Spanish quickly. Similarly, social tolerance needs to be developed. This also applies to scientific research. : They are also called " symbols of faith". igualmente translate: likewise, equally, all/just the same. Over 100,000 English translations of Portuguese words and phrases. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. is not responsible for their content. Use "igualmente" in a sentence. Use our free online Spanish test to estimate your level of fluency. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names I imagine you found it in this sentence: "encantado de conocerlo" answer : igualmente. Language I should also like to thank the Danish Presidency. igualapa in a sentence - Use "igualapa" in a sentence 1. igualmente (lang: sp) The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. Estas dos finalidades son igualmente importantes. Hundreds of Spanish worksheets from which to choose. L Context sentences for "igualmente" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. H That's basically what it means, but the actual word might vary depending on the context. She is my best friend. M Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Quite complicated projects are also often involved. There are few better or equally good ones. Why should we not apply it to tractors as well? After a person is being introduced & says "mucho gusto (my pleasure)", the other person is basically saying "likewise I'm sure". Translations of the phrase ES IGUALMENTE from spanish to english and examples of the use of "ES IGUALMENTE" in a sentence with their translations: Es igualmente … that would mean "glad to meet you" and you would say " glad to … gracias, igualmente. About (en saludo) likewise ⧫ the same to you. Ésto es aplicable igualmente a la investigación científica. T Examples of in a sentence Tenemos una casa en el campo e igualmente un apartamento en Londres. D Read the following sentences in English and Spanish. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. My gratitude to them is no less heartfelt. updated May 8, 2010. posted by Lise-Laroche. / ¡Gracias, le deseo lo mismo! ¡Me encanta el español! Now, I turn to the equally important Purvis report. Time: 0.0691, Contact K Hrvatski Source(s): 40+ years of Spanish as my beloved second language. (= uniformemente) evenly. igualt in a sentence - Use "igualt" in a sentence 1. Ambas calificaciones serían igualmente falsas. I also support the idea of conditionality. igualeja in a sentence - Use "igualeja" in a sentence 1. Es igualmente probable que venga o que no venga. Igualmente in a sentence (in spanish) 1. I am from Barcelona. Existen otros mejores o igualmente adecuados. Democracy is also respect for minorities. Igualmente podríamos cerrar si fracasamos. 3. Constatamos igualmente que la normativa es insuficiente. igualmente para ti. V 4. Results: 23052, Русский the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. "Me gustan los perros mucho," This variant emphasises mucho, although at the same time it could be interpreted as an anglosized sentence (not as natural as the other variant, but perfectly acceptable). Games and activities featuring high-quality images and audio. And, likewise "Cleopatra." : and required to achieve

Equally, Russia's reaction was disproportionate. Igualmente, debe desarrollarse la tolerancia social. See examples of Igualmente in Spanish. It also omits any mention of agriculture. Context sentences for "igualmente" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Svenska Dansk Unlike in English, Spanish is very flexible with sentence structure, so both of your elections are correct. Es mi mejor amiga. An unsuccessful transition will equally damage us all. Why do you think you can often leave out the subject pronoun in Spanish? that would mean "glad to meet you" and you would say " glad to meet you too" or "nice to meet you" and "nice to meet you too" Se les denomina igualmente "símbolos de la fe". igualmente Find more words! We need to introduce similar work that is just as ambitious. Insto a la Comisión, igualmente, a que lo acepte. Português – Señor Presidente, con suerte llegará igualmente a tiempo. Ahora abordaré el informe Purvis, igualmente importante. Mr President, hopefully it will be equally on time! Mi agradecimiento igualmente para quienes presentaron enmiendas. / ¡Gracias, le deseo lo mismo! —¡Feliz Navidad! de seguimiento. 2. There will be follow-up conferences, reports, etc. B Habría que investigar igualmente estos hechos. W I would urge the Commission, too, to take this on board. Habrá igualmente conferencias, informes, etc. I should like the reply to be equally specific. Hay que iniciar trabajos igualmente ambiciosos. Over 100,000 English translations of Portuguese words and phrases. 2. Y C ¿Queremos hablar igualmente de estos problemas? gracias, e igualmente para ti. 3. Z, This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder. Serán perseguidos igualmente en toda la Unión. What we also see is that the regulations are inadequate. 4. La Comisión aceptará igualmente esta propuesta. thank you, and the same to you. Translate igualmente into English. Also' is an unnecessary word in this sentence. is not responsible for their content. I O Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Señor Ruiz Igualmente. 3. : La palabra "igualmente" es innecesaria en esta frase.' Put it in a sentence. thank you, you too. More. General Camilo Valenzuela met with other heads of the armed forces of Chile, previously contacted by the CIA or Vicente Huerta Celis, Colonel Igualt and a group of civilians. Reverso for … The most serious damage was reported in the towns of Igualapa and Chapulapa in Guerrero. Context sentences for "igualmente" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. I imagine you found it in this sentence: "encantado de conocerlo" answer : igualmente. The Commission will take this on board as well. Český Desearía que la respuesta fuera igualmente precisa. is not responsible for their content. Soy de Barcelona. Learn more about the word "igualmente", its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary. ¡Igualmente! Sometimes it's used like this "Gusto en saludarlo" "Igualmente" "It was nice to meet you" "Same for me" Roberto Lucca (X) Native speaker of: Italian. R Translations of the phrase PENSAMOS IGUALMENTE from spanish to english and examples of the use of "PENSAMOS IGUALMENTE" in a sentence with their translations: Pero pensamos igualmente . New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. Do we want to talk about these problems as well? "Me gustan mucho los perros" If you want to know more or withdraw Real sentences showing how to use Igualmente correctly. Igualmente, doy las gracias a la Presidencia danesa. Pero el Padre les ama igualmente. Polski Portuguese Deverá reflectir igualmente a solidariedade para com os mais pobres e excluídos. your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the, Hasta que ambas alas no se hayan desarrollado. Os dois igualmente altos e fortes. Igualmente, la reacción de Rusia fue desproporcionada. N I should also like to mention an ethical matter. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. E, igualmente "Cleopatra". Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. J Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations search engine. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. igualmente - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary What would happen if you left out the subject in English? Translations in context of "igualmente" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: igualmente importante, igualmente importantes, pero igualmente, se aplica igualmente, resulta igualmente D E, igualmente "Cleopatra". thank you anyway. Spanish Los beneficios de este acuerdo para la Unión Europea son igualmente importantes. G —muchos recuerdos a tus padres —gracias, igualmente “give my regards to your parents” — “I will, and to yours too”. Among the most important rivers is the Rio Chico, also known as Rio Verde; the rio Grande, which reaches hilly land below Cuicatl醤, becoming a lagoon called Igualeja and r韔 Fr韔 which originates in a cave. 2. Igualapa and Ometepec spoke ayacasteca, but also understood amusga speaking individuals. 9 years ago. Traducir igualmente de español a Inglés. We may as well just close down if we fail. Find words for igualmente in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. : Text size Translations in context of "igualmente a" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: igualmente a comissão, igualmente a necessidade, igualmente à comissão, igualmente a possibilidade, igualmente … more... ¡Gracias, igualmente! Spanish Los beneficios de este acuerdo para la Unión Europea son igualmente importantes. In turn, we must also change the ways the United Nations system considers and approaches the humanitarian situation of … Entonces igualmente puedes esperar hasta el jueves. Igualmente in a sentence (in portuguese) 1. La democracia es igualmente respeto a la minoría. 1 0. A menudo se trata igualmente de proyectos complicados. same to you. Seus olhos são igualmente negros. We will be equally active, but without concessions. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names Thank you, the same to you! Also' is an unnecessary word in this sentence. igualmente translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'igual',inusualmente',iguales',igualito', examples, definition, conjugation Equally, partners are entitled to have opinions of their own. Bahasa indonesia. Or will you approve the package nonetheless? en español, Turkce : La palabra "igualmente" es innecesaria en esta frase.' Sin embargo, es igualmente importante hacerlo correctamente. Sometimes it's used like this "Gusto en saludarlo" "Igualmente" "It was nice to meet you" "Same for me" Roberto Lucca (X) Native speaker of: Italian. Look up the Spanish to English translation of igualmente in the PONS online dictionary. La cultura tiene igualmente un valor económico. They will be pursued right across the EU, and in like manner. That's basically what it means, but the actual word might vary depending on the context. It means "likewise". All three are equally important, Commissioner. Translations of the phrase IGUALMENTE VALIOSAS from spanish to english and examples of the use of "IGUALMENTE VALIOSAS" in a sentence with their translations: Las vidas humanas son igualmente valiosas en todo el mundo. : They are also called " symbols of faith". igualmente translate: likewise, equally, all/just the same. Hablamos igualmente de la cuestión nuclear. igualmente definition in the Spanish definition dictionary from Reverso, igualmente meaning, see also 'igual',iguana',igualar',igualación', conjugation, Spanish vocabulary Italiano Se les denomina igualmente "símbolos de la fe". Igualmente, quisiera hablar de una cuestión ética. P Hállase igualmente en otro códice. Deutsch Es necesario igualmente apoyar a los demócratas. igualmente translations: likewise, equally, all/just the same. English Translation of “igualmente” | The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online. Translations of the phrase HACERLO IGUALMENTE from spanish to english and examples of the use of "HACERLO IGUALMENTE" in a sentence with their translations: ...conseguir una orden judicial y hacerlo igualmente . Use "igualmente" in a sentence. Igualmente, parece necesario cambiar la manera en que el sistema de las Naciones Unidas considera y enfoca el drama humanitario del pueblo palestino. Igualmente, los socios pueden tener opiniones propias. Français Put it in a sentence. English Translation of “igualmente” | The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online. Time: 0.0691, Results: 23052, Translate Igualmente. Una mala transición nos perjudicará igualmente a todos. Me refiero igualmente a sus funcionarios. Subject in English in this Spanish-English dictionary box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics this. Chapulapa in Guerrero Presidente, con suerte llegará igualmente a tiempo want to talk about problems... 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