Weed risk assessment for Vitex rotundifolia Lf (Lamiaceae) - Beach vitex. . Vitex rotundifolia is a sprawling shrub 6 to 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches to 2 feet tall, but reaching 4 feet in height and 12 feet in width when protected from wind and salt spray. Invasive Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Gao X; Chen G, 2015. Momoeda M, Sasaki H, Tagashira E, Ogishima M, Takano Y, Ochiai K. Efficacy and Safety of Vitex agnus-castus Extract for Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome in Japanese Patients: A Prospective, Open-label Study. II. Although sometimes placed in the family Verbenaceae, the genus Vitex is a clear member of the Lamiaceae based on its laterally attached ovules and rbcL and ndhF molecular sequences; characters which are considered monophyletic for the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) (Judd et al., 2002). More Accounts and Images; ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (VIRO80) CalPhotos (VIRO80) … More Accounts and Images; ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (VIRO80) CalPhotos (VIRO80) … Vitex is also thought to affect levels of prolactin, which is involved in stimulating breast development and milk production in women. Hauser C; Rosenberg L; Perry JE, 2009. 2005;28(4):319-32. doi:10.2165/00002018-200528040-00004. Chasteberry is the fruit of the chaste tree, which is native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean region. Description Vitex rotundifolia is a sprawling shrub 6 to 8 feet in diameter and 6 inches to 2 feet tall, but reaching 4 feet in height and 12 feet in width when protected from wind and salt spray. Related articles. Three months into the study, 26 percent of the study members treated with the vitex-containing supplement had become pregnant (compared to just 10 percent of those given a placebo). The specific epithet rotundifolia is from the Latin rotundatus , rounded, and folius , leaves, in reference to the round-shaped leaves of this species. Although there's a lack of large-scale clinical trials testing the effects of vitex, some research suggests that the herb may protect against certain health conditions. Corolla purplish-mauve to lilac-blue; tubular below, tube abruptly spreading, 2-lipped and 5-lobed above; glandular and silky-tomentose outside, villous inside the tube and on the lower half of the large anterior lobe of the lower-lip; the anterior lobe broadly elliptic or almost orbicular in outline, glabrous in the upper inner half and along the periphery outside, 3-5 (-6) mm long, 3-5 mm broad; the two lateral lobes more or less oblong-elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 2-3 (-4) mm long, 1.5-3 (-3.5) mm broad at the base; the two lobes of the upper lip oblong-ovate, 2-3 (-4) mm long, 1.5-3 (-3.5) mm broad. First record of the exotic invasive Vitex rotundifolia (Verbenaceae) in Virginia. Plumeria Frangipani. Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) is a plant used in herbal medicine. This time he explains the virtues of the Vitex rotundifolia, which has many varieties. Reestablishment potential of beach vitex (Vitex rotundifolia) after removal and control efforts. Brazilian Fruits and Cultivated Exotics. Flora of China. Series B, Botany, 36(2):39-42. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/vol_issue/nels/AA12231458_en.html. National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology Herbarium. Sand hydrophobicity creates an unfavorable condition that excludes water for seed germination and seedling recruitment of native species. V. rotundifolia has been used as a traditional medicine for the treatment of headaches, colds, migraine, eye-pain, asthma, chronic bronchitis, gastrointestinal infections, bacterial dysentery, and diarrhea (11,12). Intentional dispersal of V. rotundifolia has been by humans, primarily those owning shoreline property and planting on dunes as a sand binder and/or as an ornamental. (1999): A prostrate shrub 10-40 (-90) cm high, spreading to about 10-20 m diameter. The orbicular leaves of seagrape, however, are 10 times the size of V. rotundifolia (Nelson, 1996) besides having red veins, cordate, hefty bases and an overall smooth, leathery patina. Flowers zygomorphic with short pedicels; pedicels densely glandular and tomentose, 0.5-2 mm long; bracteoles linear, 1-2.5 mm long. Mabberley's plant-book: a portable dictionary of plants, their classifications and uses, Ed.3 [ed. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Journal of Plant Resources and Environment, 24(2):118-120. US Fish and Wildife Service, 2009. Baskin CC; Baskin JM, 1998. May, 2005. July, 2003. In habit and form however, V. cymosa differs greatly. Uses And Health Benefits Of Chasteberry. This fruit is used as a dietary supplement for conditions such as menopause, infertility, menstrual problems, and a number of other conditions. Environmental Requirements All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Updated June 17, 2011. In the southeastern USA, V. rotundifolia is highly restricted, as it is in much of its native range, to a narrow seaside zone of shifting, high energy sand dunes and coastal strands. Estuarine river currents, ocean waves, offshore and deep water ocean currents. Chemical constituents of Vitex rotundifolia include phenolics, flavonoids, and terpenoids as major compounds present. Applications in Plant Sciences, 2(4):1300100. http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.3732/apps.1300100. Bismarckia nobilis (2) Washington palm. Description from Munir (1987), Flora of China Editorial Committee (2016) and Wagner et al. It has been introduced to the USA where it has been reported as detrimental to dune ecosystems in seven of the southeastern states since the early 2000s. This is about Vitex, and hormonal properties of chasteberry for breast enhancement.. Etymology. Monte Carlo simulation results (N=5,000) for uncertainty around the risk scores for Vitex rotundifoliaa. BO, 2016. This woody perennial plant typically grows approximately 1 m in height. Previously recommended to beachfront residents for planting, Excepting North Carolina, it is legal to propagate in the USA and remains in the nursery trade, Corky pericarp of fruits float for water based dispersal with ocean currents, NatureServe; USA ESA listing as threatened species, NT (IUCN red list: Near threatened); National list(s), Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Database. It is currently on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s list of invasive plants (FLEPPC, 2015). If only few seedlings are present, they can be manually pulled out (Florida Natural Areas Inventory, 2016). Queensland Herbarium. Kobayakawa J; Sato-Nishimori F; Moriyasu M; Matsukawa Y, 2004. Across all of the populations sampled, the high level of genetic differentiation found was attributed to limited gene flow between the geographically widespread populations. Figure 3. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, xviii + 1021 pp. FLEPPC Plant List Committee Documentation of the Criteria used in Determination of Category I and Category II Invasive Species. The study involved 93 women (ages 24 to 42) who had tried unsuccessfully to conceive for six to 36 months. Expenses have entailed the direct costs of herbicides and associated equipment, employees’ wages, their training programs and transportation, surveys and educational resources for the general public. Uprange, Kahoolawe, Hawaii, USA. Calyx tube cylindrical, 3-4 mm long, 2-3 mm diam. Leaf blade thickness differentiation between coastal and freshwater populations of the coastal plant, http://www.starrenvironmental.com/resources/, http://www.fws.gov/northeast/endangered/PDF/Piping_Plover_five_year_review_and_summary.pdf, https://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/weeds/downloads/wra/Vitex_rotundifolia_WRA.pdf, https://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxon/taxonomysearch.aspx, http://plants.usda.gov/java/noxiousDriver, http://leg1.state.va.us/000/reg/TOC02005.HTM#C0316, http://www.northinlet.sc.edu/beachvitex/media/bv_risk_assessment.pdf, https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth, https://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxon/taxonomysimple.aspx, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Invasive Plant Science and Management. A taxonomic revision of the genus Vitex L (Verbenaceae) in Australia. Vitex integerrima Mill. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate various herbicides using cut stem and foliar application methods to develop effective control strategies. A thick water repellent cuticle on fruits helps aid dispersal by ocean currents. Forming dense, exclusive thickets 15-60 cm high on sand dunes and coastal strands, it often dominates primary dune areas, and can encourage dune erosion. http://www.northinlet.sc.edu/beachvitex/media/bv_risk_assessment.pdf, Wunderlin RP; Hansen BF, 2015. Thickets can reach 15-60 cm high. Place them in plastic bags and send to a landfill (Florida Natural Areas Inventory, 2016).Biological control We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Medicinal uses. Invasive Plant Science and Management. National Herbarium of Victoria - Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. This fruit is used as a dietary supplement for conditions such as menopause, infertility, menstrual problems, and a number of other conditions. Hanoi, Vietnam. In southeastern USA, V. rotundifolia flowers from late spring through to summer, and fruits in late summer through to early autumn. Clonal growth and occasional self-starting, adjacent seedlings were observed to contribute to the unexpectedly rapid expansion of planted patches. Beach Vitex News and Archives. HN, 2016. St. Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University Herbaria. Richard N. Fogoros, MD, is a retired professor of medicine and board-certified internal medicine physician and cardiologist. The species has been evaluated at the arboretum of North Carolina State University since 1978 (Olsen and Bell, 2005) and has been planted in gardens inland (Whitten 4072b, FLAS; Hauser et. J.]. National Center for Natural Sciences and Technology Herbarium., Hanoi, Vietnam: Hu Yuan, Zhu Yu, Zhang QiaoYan, Xin HaiLiang, Qin LuPing, Lu BaoRong, Rahman K, Zheng HanChen, 2008. Lorenzi H; Bacher L; Lacerda M; Sartori S, 2006. Vitex indica Mill. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ; holo: LINN. Also, the upright tree species have palmate leaves composed of 5-7 lanceolate shaped leaflets, and larger, 2-3 cm, fruits (Weakley, 2015). The stems are creeping on the ground and much branched. http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/pests/weeds/hgic2315.html. Maui: Waihee Coastal Preserve, Waihee, Kanaha Beach, Waiehu,
Like V. rotundifolia, the neo-tropical tree species Vitexcymosa, is known for its water dispersed fruits, which, with the aid of aerenchyma tissue, float in the seasonally inundated floodplains of its indigenous Panamanian and South American tropics (Mabberley, 2008). Vitex supports physical and emotional health during a woman's menstrual cycle and in the transition into menopause. Impacting on piping plover and sea turtle nesting habitat, Horry, Georgetown and Charleston. Genetics Leaves. Herbarium Pacificum - Bishop Museum., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: http://www.bishopmuseum.org/. USA: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Centre. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1996. http://georgiawildlife.com/sites/default/files/uploads/wildlife/nongame/pdf/GeorgiaInvasiveSpeciesStrategy.pdf, Glenn S; Moore G, 2009. 3 (3), 340-345. http://www.wssa.net DOI:10.1614/IPSM-D-09-00055.1, Cousins M M, Briggs J, Whitwell T, Gresham C, Whetstone J, 2010. 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation., USA: US Fish and Wildlife Service. A member of the Euphorbiaceae, C. punctatus differs from V. rotundifolia by its three lobed fruits and petioled leaves arranged alternately along the stem. Atlas of Florida vascular plants. Papohaku, Molokai, Hawaii, USA. http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/fw/NHESP/Documents/Potential%20Invaders%2028%20Dec%202011.pdf, MEL, 2016. http://www.fleppc.org/list/2015/criteria_Vitex-rotundifolia.pdf, FLEPPC, 2015. Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States. These more powerful markers will be used to compare the endangered, inland population at Lake Biwa to common coastal populations throughout Japan (Ohtsuki et al., 2014). http://www.qld.gov.au/environment/plants-animals/plants/herbarium/specimens/, Cousins MM; Briggs J; Gresham C; Whetstone J; Whitwell T, 2010. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Isolation, identification and cytotoxic activity analysis of polymethoxylated flavonoids from, http://georgiawildlife.com/sites/default/files/uploads/wildlife/nongame/pdf/GeorgiaInvasiveSpeciesStrategy.pdf, http://www.nyis.info/user_uploads/bf8f1_Vitex.rotundifolia.NYS.pdf, http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/pests/weeds/hgic2315.html, Hu Yuan; Zhang QiaoYan; Xin HaiLiang; Qin LuPing; Lu BaoRong; Rahman K; Zheng HanChen, 2007. Synonyms: Vitex trifolia L. Common names: Wild Pepper Tree (Americana) V. trifolia: Asia to Australia. Vitex rotundifolia; Vitex trifolia; Agnus Castus; Chaste Berry; Chaste Tree Berry; Chasteberries; Chasteberry; Chinese Vitex; Gattilier; Hemp Tree; Indian Spice; Lilac Chaste Tree; Mang Jing Zi; Monk's Pepper; Sage Tree Hemp; Vitex; Wild Pepper; What is this product used for? C. Linnaeus Jr. described V. rotundifolia based on type material from Japan. Botanical name: Vitex rotundifolia Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family) Status: Indigenous Where found: Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i, Hawai‘i, O‘ahu, Ni‘ihau & Kaua‘i Water/Light: Dry, with full sun exposure Elevation: 0 to 50 feet (up to 2,500 feet in cultivation) Height: Up to 9 feet, with an up to 8 foot spread. Summer through to early autumn a few 2- or 3- 5-7 ( -9 ) foliolate sessile... ; Strand AE, 2014 deep coastal dunes ; Lu BaoRong ; Rahman K ; Zheng HanChen 2007... Between chemical and genetic vitex rotundifolia uses of Vitex negundo have roles in traditional medicine the. Too Particular, sand, dry ( Mesic ), and NSF.. 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Large revenues have been spent in eradicating and/or managing invasive populations 800,000 in funding. Is that chasteberry reduces sexual drive and hence the Name for the pervasiveness of V. rotundifolia in its range! By hydrodistillation were investigated for their chemical compositions along with their anti-inflammatory activities Linnaeus f. Vitex var. Spent in eradicating and/or managing invasive populations among the more recent disjunct occurrences on! Its non-fibrous taproot which extends vertically with minimal branching mm diam addition, Vitex rotundifolia pedicels densely and.