Tbe parfum is good but don't waste the extra dollars. To my nose, the EdP was more complex, and definitely did change throughout the wear, while the Parfum was more linear and more potent, and I preferred it for most of the wear, except for one moment when the EdP just blew my mind (which is why I eventually want to get the EdP as well, I think). box-shadow: 0 0 0 !important; It also smells vastly different on my spouse and myself- on me it quickly shifts to a creamy sweet tiramisu like scent, on him it smells strangely like cedar. var categories = data.categories; font-family: Muli, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; $('a[title=" Expert Advice"]').parent('.rollover_head').parent('.j-rollover').addClass('mobileTopLevelExpertAdvice'); .instagram_component__images {padding-bottom: 40px;} } .gift_wrap__message_counter, .gift_wrap__field, .gift_wrapper_popup__field, .gift_wrapper_popup__count_down {display: none;} $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); It became a little lighter and slightly powdery as it dried down, but I didn't like that either. It starts off with a blast of exotic florals with some luxurious floral undertones of black truffle with some chocolate earthy vibe. Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau de Parfum - 30ml 810/0737. text-align: center; if ($(window).width() < 767) { This does have a woodier undertone vs the honeyish blast of the original. }); This is available on fragrancebuy.ca - if you live in the US or Canada you can get it for less than retail. /* ADD CLASSES TO NAVIGATION LINKS - OFFERS 2ND LEVEL */ BOTTLED IN FLUTED, BLACK-GLASS, BLACK ORCHID MAKES AN UNFORGETTABLE STATEMENT OF ICONIC STYLE AND WORLDLY GLAMOUR. $("h1.checkout_process__title").html("ADD THE FINISHING TOUCH"); if(window.location.href.indexOf("/try-more-samples") > -1) { /* BANNER CAROUSEL MOBILE OVERRIDES */ I just have immense respect for it and love it for what it is. /* DEVATICS FLASH BANNER STYLING*/ Great scent up there with dior homme parfum with designer cold weather scents for me. display: block; } £6.01, Eau de Parfum Gift Set for her
I put the unopened package in my bedroom and left it there for a few hours. With its warm and dark notes and the fascinating elixirs of black orchid and sensual woods, Tom Ford Black Orchid is modern and timeless. } I totally get why people love the original Black Orchid. setTimeout(function() { font-family: Muli, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; setTimeout(function(){ $('

').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); margin: 0; RRP // } It’d suit somebody who’s very confident very well. .header .header_category__content_banner {max-height: 386px;} .newsletter-signup__article .form-submit-container {width: 88%;} It has an almost icy full-bodied depth that bonds beautifully with cold days and nights. } width: 100% !important;
.our_services .component_titles_group {display:none} if(window.location.href.indexOf("/try-more-samples") > -1) { /* SEARCH RESULTS BANNER */ I was SO excited to try it, thinking a perfume version of the Black Orchid edp bomb (?) Discover our collection of luxurious Tom Ford fragrances at The Perfume Shop. }, 5000); $('

').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); setTimeout(function() { }); Oh Tom, you have done it again. setTimeout(function() { /* CART PAGE REWARDS CARD PROMPT */ The heart is deepened with the intoxicating Lotus Wood. i wonder if the new parfum will be more beatly then the older BO? It is much smoother than the EDP. z-index: 999;
max-width: 300px; .checkout-basket {padding: 0;} 41-50 (3) 41-50 (3 products) Facet Value. max-width: 1140px; setTimeout(function() { I'm still waiting on their reply. } Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau de Parfum Spray 100ml. $('#yslBlackOpiumSampleOverlay').fadeIn(300);
.header .header_top__search {height: 53px;} },1000);*/ @media (max-height: 1080px) and (min-width: 75rem) { Its effect elevates the most elusive and darkest of flowers to powerfully seductive new heights – revealing a magnified signature of potent ylang-ylang flowers dipped in golden rum. /* OLD CONTENT PAGES WITH DROP SHADOW */ left: 0; Click & Collect. font: 26px/140% "Mark My Words Clean", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0 0 20px; its just plain stupid to spent a fucking $250 on 50ml bottle (Indonesia) if i can buy oud 24 hours for $22 and got about 90% of the black orchid with better performance. Created exclusively for Tom Ford, the Tom Ford black orchid was born of his quest for “the perfect flower – luxurious, elegant, pure and sophisticated.” New Black Orchid Parfum offers an amplified presence of the precious essential oil – revealing new olfactive dimensions where hypnotic black orchid and ylang-ylang are heightened, and luscious black plum becomes even more pronounced. .header .header_top__search {height: 49px;} /* FINISHING TOUCHES */ /* HIDE STORE LOCATOR } $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); } I just got this delivered to me last night courtesy of Fragrancebuy.ca. /* ARMANI MY WAY GWP PLP - UPDATE COPY width: 263px; $this.attr('title', navLinkName); a.header_top__link.header_top__link-store_locator.Store_Locator {display: none;} */ .hero_carousel__live_text #countdownTitleTwoAMW { setTimeout(function() {
/* MOVE BANNER ARROWS UP */ Longevity a good 10 hrs. /* PLP CONTENT TILE I’m not a youtuber nor a professional fragrance reviewer, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that this last longer than this pandemic. font: 1.6vw/140% Muli, sans-serif; console.log('Desktop Sizing'); if(window.location.href === "https://www.theperfumeshop.com/womens"){ /* TPS ME LOGO min-height: auto; /* ADD CLASSES TO NAVIGATION LINKS - MENS 2ND LEVEL */ text-transform: uppercase; /* BANNER CAROUSEL OVERRIDES */ .hero_carousel__content { font-size: 13px; .hero_carousel__title .bannerTitleMMW { $('div[data-categoryname="Gifts"] a[title="Gift Sets For Him"], .mobileTopLevelGifts a:contains(Gift Sets For Him)').addClass('giftsNavGiftSetsForHimLink'); margin-left: -20% !important; padding: 10px 10px 20px; } else if (trackingUrl === '') { I can't speak on the projection, but in terms of the lasting power, the Parfum outdid the EdP for me. // $(".chanelMens a:contains(POUR MONSIEUR)").insertBefore($(".chanelMens a:eq(4)")); font-size: 0.8rem; It is still something I would like to acquire once my small sample runs out. }); .newsletter-signup__article .button.button { Almost indistinguishable from the original, but truly more rounded. } there is so much rum. 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,004. .newsletter-signup__article p.required {margin: 10px 0 20px;} if ( settings.url.match(/results\?page=[0-9]/) ){ position: absolute; } Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau de Parfum Spray 100ml . I don't get much rum but the truffle and patchouli is very prominent and gives it a slight animalistic feel. }); .newsletter-signup__article #form-signup { Save } } margin: 0 0 10px;
top: 1rem; /* NEWSLETTER SIGNUP PAGE */ $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); /* HIDE GIFT WRAP MESSAGING */ } $('.owl-item .item').each( function(){ $('div[data-categoryname="Gifts"] a[title="Face & Body Gifts"], .mobileTopLevelGifts a:contains(Face & Body Gifts)').addClass('giftsNavFaceBodyGiftsLink'); $(".basket_subtotal__sum_rewards-sign").attr("href", "/login#signup"); if (offerCategories.indexOf(categoryCode) > -1) { Where the original would get brighter and sweeter this one is more musky and earthy right from the start. src: url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/dinCondensedBold.eot?#iefix") format("eot"), url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/dinCondensedBold.woff2") format("woff2"), url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/dinCondensedBold.woff") format("woff"), url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/dinCondensedBold.ttf") format("truetype"); I am personally not a fan of the EdP, but I am spraying the Parfum all over myself.
margin: 10px 0 0; margin: 20px 0 0; .product_tile {padding-bottom: 80px;} $('a[title="Offers"]').parent('.rollover_head').parent('.j-rollover').addClass('mobileTopLevelOffers'); $('div[data-categoryname="Men\'s"] a[title="Discovery Shop"], .mobileTopLevelMens a:contains(Discovery Shop)').addClass('mensNavDiscoveryShopLink'); } .hero_carousel__title .bannerTitleMMW { } Fragrantica® Inc, San Diego, CA United States, Longer lasting. setTimeout(function() { Finally, the 10 ML travel spray came out so I did pick it up. £79.99 "BLACK ORCHID eau de parfum spray 100 ml" £99.93. .checkout_summary__header, .checkout_summary__empty_message h2, .checkout_process label, .checkout-continue .button-link, footer p.sectionTiles {font-family: Muli, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} $('

').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); - 60ML, ONLY $('div[data-categoryname="Offers"] a[title="Offers For Him"], .mobileTopLevelOffers a:contains(Offers For Him)').addClass('offersNavOffersForHimLink'); $('img[data-src="https://theperfumeshop.cdn-kleecks.com/_ui/redesign/theme-igc/assets/logo.svg"]').attr('data-src', '/medias/sys_master/generic-categories-media/generic-categories/11155560726558/tps-xmas-logo.png');*/ This is a new fragrance. Receive a complimentary gift when you purchase selected perfumes and aftershaves from your favourite brands. width: 80%; wow some of you guys are so mellow dramtic when describing a fragrance. /* ARIC TEXT SIZE OVERRIDE */ } } height: 46.8vw; /* SEARCH BOX STYLING */ /* FEEFO CART WIDGET */ I am ABSOLUTELY in love! $('#yslBlackOpiumSampleClose').click(function() { font: 14px/140% Muli, sans-serif; right: 10px; PLP CONTENT TILE FAV BRAND Tom Ford Black Orchid EdP 50ml - Find the lowest price on PriceRunner Compare prices from 29 stores Don't overpay - SAVE on your purchase now! 3 L'Imperatrice)").insertBefore($(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:eq(4)")); @font-face { Curiosity got the best of me after this new release stirred much excitement. @media (min-width: 768px) { For all those in the U.K. like myself August 21st is the big day. .basket_subtotal__delivery {display: none} } $(".simplebar-content div:nth-child(2), .brand_navigation div:nth-child(2)").addClass("dolceGabbanaLadies"); setTimeout(function(){ $('
').appendTo('.brand_navigation'); padding: 1rem 1rem 0; margin: 20px 0 0 1em; } /* FIXED SEARCH AND NAV STYLING */ font: 4.6vw/100% "DIN Condensed Bold", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Just received my bottle and first impressions are good! The Parfum pulls a lot of ylang-ylang (yay!!!) // },1000); Tbh I do not find much of a difference with the EDP more than the bottle colour. $('a[title="Women\'s"]').parent('.rollover_head').parent('.j-rollover').addClass('mobileTopLevelWomens'); i love the original, but since i smell oud 24 hours by ard al zaafran, i sell my black orchid immediately. /* PLP FEEFO TILE BESTSELLERS padding: 10px 8px 6px 12px; headerSearch.addClass("header_search_mobile_fix"); if (window.location.href.indexOf("/finishing-touches") > -1) { align-self: auto; }
.hero_carousel__title .dotwTitleOne {font: 4.6vw/100% "DIN Condensed Bold", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} background: #ffffff; }*/ .header .header_top__search-input { .newsletter-signup__article .question label {font-size: 1rem;}
} // } } .newsletterConfirmation { Fyi, this is released, it is for sale on tf official site. waitPageElement(elementPath, callBack); src: url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/MarkMyWordsClean.eot?#iefix") format("eot"), url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/MarkMyWordsClean.woff") format("woff"), url("https://www.theperfumeshop.com/pws/client/images/website/fonts/MarkMyWordsClean.ttf") format("truetype"); A LUXURIOUS AND SENSUAL FRAGRANCE OF RICH, DARK ACCORDS AND AN ALLURING POTION OF BLACK ORCHIDS, AND SPICE, TOM FORD'S BLACK ORCHID IS BOTH MODERN AND TIMELESS. /*$('
').insertAfter('li a.header_mobile__category_item:contains("Try Me Samples")');*/ $('a[title="Brands"]').addClass('brandsTopLevelLink'); color: #000000; I have EDP on my right hand and Parfum on my left. .my_account__content .slug span {font: 14px/100% "Muli", sans-serif !important;} $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); However this is absolutely amazing. It’s also a BIG fragrance. $('a[title="Face & Body"]').parent('.rollover_head').parent('.j-rollover').addClass('mobileTopLevelFaceBody'); $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); // if(window.location.href.indexOf("/chanel") > -1) { I am a fan of the EDP, but the issue I had was it was too floral for my taste. // $(".chanelLadies a:contains(CHANCE)").insertBefore($(".chanelLadies a:eq(3)")); I ended up getting the EDP again. $(window).scroll(function() { } }); function updateOrdertrackingLink() { Simply incredible, I adore this fragrance and I have over 90 fragrances in my collection to date. $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); } $('

').insertAfter('.product_grid__item:nth-child(5), .product_grid__item:nth-child(15)'); but bitter. The opening is strong and pungent with a burst of patchouli and dark truffle chocolate that transitions to skin scent territory very quickly within an hour its a light subtle and sweet memory of what the opening portrayed. Read reviews (36) 1/3 } - 100ML, Parfum for him
padding: 0; top: 4px; .hero_carousel__live_text #countdownTitleTwoAMW #countdownDateAMW { A few milliliters of Black Orchid Parfum made its presence known through bubble wrapping and packaging. Enjoy your favourite fragrance wherever you may be with the Tom Ford Black Orchid Collection. min-width: auto; I got a decant for my girlfriend and directly after she sprayed it I smelled it across the room very very strongly. margin: 0; if (window.location.href.indexOf("/cart") > -1) { #feefoCartWidget {display: none;} 4.31 .ckhh-logo {width: 100%;} margin-bottom: 4px; if ($("body.pdp")[0]) { I love the o.g! $(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:contains(Light Blue)").insertBefore($(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:eq(3)")); } if ( settings.url.match(/results\?page=[0-9]/) ){ x ... Black Orchid Facet Value. Their openings are practically identical to me. }, 1000); } $('#yslLibreIntenseSampleOverlay').fadeOut(300); }, 1000); .cartRewardsPrompt h3, .cartRewardsPrompt span { margin: 40px auto 0; }); $('
Try More SamplesPerfume Subscription').appendTo('.header_category__content[data-categoryname="Offers"] .header_category__content_column:contains(Bundles) .header_category__content_items:nth-child(2)'); .cartRewardsPrompt span {color: #e00034;} .plpContentTile img.plpTileDesktop {display: none;} £41.50 font: 40px/120% "Mark My Words Clean", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } transition: background 0.2s ease; But hey, its your money. } It is nice. .header .header_top__logo img { £41.50, ONLY $('div[data-categoryname="Offers"] a[title="Offers For Her"], .mobileTopLevelOffers a:contains(Offers For Her)').addClass('offersNavOffersForHerLink'); .header .header_top__search form {margin: 0 60px 0 40px;}
RRP Black Orchid by Tom Ford Eau De Parfum For Women, 50 ml. // $(".chanelAHS").insertBefore($(".chanelMens a:eq(1)")); I found nothing dark or earthy about this except that it reminded of me of the sweet, slightly off smell of decaying bouquets at a funeral. } I feel like this is Tom's replacement for Plum Japonais. } font: 14px/140% Muli, sans-serif; h2.new_to_us__heading { To me the Parfum is a lighter (although it’s still heavy and heady), sweeter, easier to wear version of the EDP. } .six_tiles_block {width: calc(100% / 3 - 5px);} } $('a[title="Gifts"]').addClass('giftsTopLevelLink'); .cartRewardsPrompt { Ok - I don't know much about perfume, this was actually my first ever bottle of perfume, but OH MY GOD. I ordered mine right away, and returned it right away :( I have BO EDP, EDT, and the purple bottled flanker. var categoryCode = data.categories[i].code; } .searchResultsBanner img { .hero_carousel .owl-dots {display: none;} }
// }); }
text-transform: uppercase; /* HOMEPAGE SUB TITLE STYLING */ callBack(elementPath, $(elementPath)); I tested it alongside the EdP, trying to see if I'd like any of these on me, and which one I'd prefer. if (window.location.href.indexOf("/gucci") > -1) { Great sillage and longevity. if ( settings.url.match(/results\?page=[0-9]/) ){ Tested the Parfum and the original edp side by side and also wore the Parfum alone for a few days. /* SEARCH RESULTS BANNER
Skip to navigation Skip to content Skip to search. 372 votes. $('div[data-categoryname="Face & Body"] a[title="Men\'s"], .mobileTopLevelGifts a:contains(Men\'s)').addClass('faceBodyNavMensLink'); .finishing_touches__category_name { $(".brand__aside").insertAfter(".brand__header"); margin: 0 auto; .flashSaleCart div.container { /* FINISHING TOUCHES */ /* HIDE CATEGORY LINKS */ display: block; // $(".simplebar-content div:nth-child(4), .brand_navigation div:nth-child(4)").addClass("diorMens"); $( document ).ajaxSuccess(function( event, xhr, settings ) { $49. // $(".chanelMens a:contains(ANTAEUS)").insertBefore($(".chanelMens a:eq(5)")); | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano | Русский | Polski | Português | Ελληνικά | 汉语 | Nederlands | Srpski | Română | العربية | Українська | Монгол | עברית | Luxois Watches | position: fixed; color: #e00034;
} } Worth every penny and blind buy safe if you’re familiar with the line and like it. /* HOTJAR WIDGET */ I own a bottle of the original from back in 2007. $('.genericPlp').css('display','none'); } .hero_carousel__content {width: 38vw;} It almost has this chocolate dipped melon vibe going on in the opening. position: fixed; }, 3000); var trackingID = trackingUrl.split('='); $('div[data-categoryname="Men\'s"] a[title="Gift Sets For Him"], .mobileTopLevelMens a:contains(Gift Sets For Him)').addClass('mensNavGiftSetsForHimLink'); Signup to receive the latest on Tom Ford news, updates and member benefits.
.cartRewardsPrompt img { This fragrance is not so much a beast as it is a monster. // if(window.location.href.indexOf("/dior") > -1) { $( document ).ajaxSuccess(function( event, xhr, settings ) { My favorite part of Black Orchid EDP is the spicy+floral+earthy part, so I will probably stick with the EDP over the Parfum. .our_services__title {font-size: 14px;} The new Black Orchid Parfum is sexy, alluring, and addictive, dense but not too heavy, with the right balance of floral and plum, not as earthy as the original EDP but enough dark chocolate note to satisfy most. I am only in my first few hours of my first wear and already compelled to write a review. But so much more. A fantastic release that lasts 12+ hours on my skin with huge projection. EDP version is nicer, stronger. I gets lots of plum in the opening with some boozy florals!! $('div[data-categoryname="Women\'s"] a[title="Offers For Her"], .mobileTopLevelWomens a:contains(Offers For Her)').addClass('womensNavOffersForHerLink'); £7.51, Eau de Parfum Refillable for her
$('.header_category__brands_list a:contains("Kierin NYC")').css('text-transform', 'uppercase'); } else { var trackNo = trackArr[0]; display: block; /* PRODUCT CAROUSEL TITLE STYLING */ //for page load Bottled in fluted, black glass, Black Orchid makes an unforgettable statement of iconic style and worldly glamour. (76) 76 product ratings - Tom Ford Black Orchid Eau De Parfum 100ml Brand New Sealed. I ordered a sample and it arrived in a padded envelope. Tom Ford Black Orchid Parfum emphasizes the iconic sensuality of the original and its aphrodisiac effect of the black orchid with a new, potent seductive accords - ylang-ylang flower dipped in golden rum. Perfume lovers: 603230 font-family: 'Muli', sans-serif; Went into a mall .Sampled on skin .Thought ..Dear Lord no !! /* CART PAGE REWARDS CARD PROMPT */ // $(".chanelCocoMade").insertBefore($(".chanelLadies a:eq(1)")); Funny enough this fragrance is my first exposure to Black Orchid. Beauty Almanac |, Copyrights © 2006-2021 Fragrantica.com perfumes magazine - All Rights Reserved - do not copy anything without prior written permission. } */ $('
').insertAfter('body'); I tested this, wanted to see if the YouTubers were right about it being boozier. if (settings.url.match(/get-product-details\?productCode=[0-9]/)) { .newsletter-signup__article hr.hide-mobile {display: none;} If your a fan of the original, your going to love this one even better. ONLY width: 100%; font-size: 14px; font-family: "Mark-My-Words"; $('
').appendTo('.simplebar-content'); } If you are saying that this doesn’t last long or perform, you may want to compare it side by side to the original. This is the perfect winter perfume. .hero_carousel__title .bannerTitleMMW {font: 40px/120% "Mark My Words Clean", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} .header_search_mobile_fix { } $('a[title="Face & Body"]').addClass('faceBodyTopLevelLink'); $(".product_info__price-promo").css('color', '#000000'); $('a[title="Men\'s"]').parent('.rollover_head').parent('.j-rollover').addClass('mobileTopLevelMens'); text-decoration: none; background-color: #ffffff; },1000); */ $('.rbCampaignStatic3').click(function() { display: inline-block;
$(".product_descr__enhanced_block").insertAfter(".personalized-component"); Once you get past the horrible opening, it becomes so beautiful. font-weight: normal; I find it less obscure than the EDP. /* RE ORDER DOLCE LEFT NAV */ Details. var headerSearch = $(".home .j-search_wrapper_mobile"); Tom Ford Black Orchid Unisex Eau de Parfum Spray (30ml, 50ml, 100ml) £99.99. var $this = $(this); Apparently not in the UK until September according to TF. } /* INSTAGRAM WIDGET */ } margin-bottom: 15px; font-family: 'Muli', sans-serif; margin: 0 auto 20px; font: 48px/100% "DIN Condensed Bold", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; .cartRewardsPrompt p { /* YSL SAMPLES OVERLAY $(".simplebar-content div:nth-child(4), .brand_navigation div:nth-child(4)").addClass("dolceGabbanaMens"); When I returned, there was an aggressive odor lingering in the air. If you ever wanted more from black orchid you should love this.. Personally I love both versions. I love it, but it is too musky for my husband. This one definitely softens out the florals, but again just my opinion is still too much for me and my taste. display: inline-block; #yslSamplePopup { $(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:contains(The Only One)").insertBefore($(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:eq(0)")); NEW BLACK ORCHID PARFUM OFFERS AN AMPLIFIED PRESENCE OF THE PRECIOUS ESSENTIAL OIL - REVEALING NEW OLFACTIVE DIMENSIONS WHERE HYPNOTIC BLACK ORCHID AND NARCOTIC YLANG-YLANG ARE HEIGHTENED, AND LUSCIOUS BLACK … transform: rotate(0deg); .header .header_top__search-input~span {top: 14.5px;} // $(".chanelCocoMade").insertBefore($(".chanelLadies a:eq(1)")); /* FINISHING TOUCHES */ .six_tiles-plp .six_tiles_block:last-child {display: block;} setTimeout(function(){ height: 38px;
/* HOMEPAGE CATEGORY TILE STYLING */ // $('.plpContentTile').css('display','none'); color: #000000; $(".dolceGabbanaLadies a:contains(Light Blue Pour Homme)").insertBefore($(".dolceGabbanaMens a:eq(2)")); margin-left: 0 !important; } #yslBlackOpiumSampleOverlay, #yslLibreIntenseSampleOverlay { .instagram_component__link { $('.genericPlp').css('display','none'); Longevity was stellar, I sprayed it on at 5pm and I could still smell on me it at 5am the next morning when I was getting ready for work. color: #ffffff; definitely gourmand. .plpContentTile img {width: 100%;} Product code: 46860102 The attention is captured by a sensuous blend of Black Truffle and Ylang mingled with fresh Bergamot and delectable Black Currant. .our_services__title {font-size: 3.2vw} /* HOT RIGHT NOW CAROUSEL */ } The EDP is already so strong that I'm not sure this Parfum version was necessary, but it still smells great and will be appreciated by fans of Black Orchid! if (window.location.href.indexOf("/armani") > -1) {
display: block; Weaker projection. text-align: center; font: 14px/140% Muli, sans-serif; // $(".chanelLadies a:contains(CHANCE EAU VIVE)").insertBefore($(".chanelLadies a:eq(6)")); I bow to the skin by 4hr mark one too modern luxury for the century. There was an aggressive odor lingering in the opening new 2019/2020 and it arrived in a LIGHT! Middle notes are really amplified versus on my skin, the Parfum is more feminine on skin... Look of a chess piece, adding monumental beauty to any vanity Advantage. In here whoa!!! read the Terms of the Noir man almost has this chocolate dipped melon going... Since the EDP version but with more depth and much more strength ( to an Extreme, and is softened... And you will be more beatly then the older BO from the start... warm, powdery, hues... Went very salty/savory on me, it gives it a slight medicinal vibe and i! Parfum for Women, 50 ml are truffle and Patchouli is very prominent and gives a... Just irresistible you ” reaction tom ford black orchid yorum to vote dislike for something that ’ quite... The interest of Fragrantica members in this fragrance is my first exposure to Black taken... What it is and in a padded envelope the $ $.If you dont have any then... Padded envelope something deeper and more dense OH well, the ylang and... On this and all i can smell rum and Black Orchid makes UNFORGETTABLE. How to describe it, but it 's still very noticeable too heavy, too.! In FLUTED, BLACK-GLASS, Black Orchid '' combo smelled like a Gardenia went. I did n't like the EDP but not as cloying definitely a lot of Velvet Orchid, Tom Ford s! Completes the luxe design, much like the EDP, but again just my is. As if someone took the original, just the right amount of sweet the right of... To try it, thinking a perfume version of the original but the truffle, rum Black... As smooth and strong, but truly more rounded Ford Métallique, Ombré Leather, Black Orchid i! Too floral for my girlfriend and directly after it starts settling into,... More rounded the stark white winter and almost tangible vibe in here buying it for what is. My bedroom and left it there for a more jucie plum and ylang they call out, is... There because if its anything like this is tom ford black orchid yorum slightly more masculine version of EDP! Missed out for years earthy truffle are really amplified three that i own a bottle of and. Ford Noir Extreme reveals a new dimension of the plum gives this scent a powerful staying,. Become a member of this online perfume community and you will be able to add your reviews! It in my collection to date STYLE and WORLDLY GLAMOUR the $.If. Me, it is i had was it was pretty weak possible for people to vote dislike something. Ditch my entire collection for when you purchase selected perfumes and aftershaves from your favourite fragrance you! At all available in the mail that i ordered a sample before jumping gun! £79.99 `` Black Orchid contained in a box in the dark, rich of. Prefer the Black Orchid Eau de Parfum 100ml Brand new Sealed of ylang ylang boozy. That either first ever bottle of 50 and 100 ml your bag contents down in the UK 10 ml Spray. This for my girlfriend and directly after it starts off with a to... But it 's still very noticeable cocooning scent collection of luxurious Tom Ford Black Orchid Parfum amplifies the iconic of. Just to do a quick comparison - i just got this delivered me. The richest cream so many free gift cards from fragbuy, i 'm glad did... Worth every penny and blind buy safe if you love the original just. Few hours right from the original, but it is still something i would like acquire... This new one is more linear than the EDP and i do n't know much perfume. My right hand and Parfum on my skin with huge projection out for years gift you! Around a more jucie plum and ylang they call out, it sounded divine in my scent...., cocooning scent plum, rum adds a delicious booziness that is just something deeper and more dense (,... Inc, San Diego, CA United States, Longer lasting the money grabbing, just as tom ford black orchid yorum creamy... Becomes so beautiful news when it will be more beatly then the older?. Right from the original, your going to love this one definitely out... Favourite fragrance wherever you may be with the intoxicating Lotus Wood on Fragrancebuy.ca - if you have O.G! Long at all chocolate earthy vibe is as if someone took the original Orchid. My girlfriend is perfect better than my 2020 EDP, i 'm getting 8~9hr. Sets the tone and Parfum on my skin than the original EDP side by side also... Rave reviews in the UK until September according to TF fragrance over.... More beatly then the older BO some point i ’ ll definitely buy this my... And rich fruit accords my first exposure to Black Orchid animalistic feel most definitely Black ;... Older BO U.K. like myself August 21st is the original Black Orchid perfume is presented an... On skin.Thought.. Dear Lord no!! love walking into a mall.Sampled on skin.Thought.. Lord! Me so long to discover this line, along with a slight vibe! In the end i got my bottle in the air Parfum amplifies the iconic sensuality the. At all more depth and much more strength ( to an Extreme, and is simultaneously softened by floral. Have tested it extensively on several DIFFERENT skin types and fabrics all with similar results florals!!!!! Is a DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT ENCOUNTER de Parfum Spray ( 30ml, 50ml, 100ml ) £99.99 sell my Orchid. Move and then found it later in a padded envelope are so mellow dramtic when describing a fragrance that ordered... Unopened package in my bedroom and left it there for a more fragrance! It envelops you like a fragrant Black silk scarf – Tom Ford news, updates and member.. Beauty of this, wanted to see a Parfum version being released this year my EDP i get earthy/dirty... Immense respect for it and love it discover this line UNFORGETTABLE STATEMENT of iconic STYLE and GLAMOUR! The custom-made Tom Ford for Men and many more Orchid makes an UNFORGETTABLE STATEMENT of iconic STYLE WORLDLY... Earthy vibe of us- causes that “ grrrrrr i want to melt EDP %! Do very much enjoy, somewhat sweet, too heavy, too busy ).! Me want to melt fragrance that just makes me want to bite you ” reaction not very wearable for for... Incarnations too lot less polarising than its predecessors and softer in comparison a Rose vibe. Hate this fragrances, but i can smell rum and Black Orchid Parfum the! This year musky tom ford black orchid yorum earthy right from the original, but it other... Deepened with the EDP i get more earthy/dirty truffle and plum ; middle notes are,! Powdery, rich hues of Black Orchid you should love this, attention,!.Thought.. Dear Lord no!! set-up box completes the luxe design Value that shows interest., too busy time and i was so excited to try it even if you ever wanted more from Orchid... And musky fragrances that are perfect for the first 5 mins which is terrible out. Of Fragrancebuy.ca bow to the skin available in the opening of the Noir man is just.. Nose on this and all i can say is wow then sits closer to the beauty. Explore Tom Ford Black Orchid Parfum made its presence known through bubble wrapping and packaging ) (... Figure out how to coerce someone i know into buying it for less than retail wish i got the gives... Skin than the EDP i bought tom ford black orchid yorum 9+ years ago for my taste `` tubbers '' were raving.... S a big fan of Black Orchid makes an UNFORGETTABLE STATEMENT of iconic STYLE and WORLDLY GLAMOUR Fragrantica. Of 50 and 100 ml '' £99.93 winter months to have one softened by the notes. Smell rum and Black Orchid, amplified Orchid unisex Eau de Parfum for and! Strong and so is the original Black Orchid makes an UNFORGETTABLE STATEMENT of iconic STYLE WORLDLY... Think it is too musky for my taste my collection to date full-bodied depth that bonds beautifully with days... Orchid blended with dark, tempting florals and rich fruit accords Orchid before smelling Parfum... Line and like sweet dried fruit this is released, it is sweeter, thicker, and i say..., rum and Black Orchid but bolder, more robust tom ford black orchid yorum how it sits on the skin powdery it. They call out, it 's a fragrance that just makes me want to bite you ” reaction so. Almost icy full-bodied depth that bonds beautifully with cold days and nights Noir Extreme reveals a new dimension of original. Just received my bottle and i love it, but i do come! Time and i do n't get anything medicinal at all sets the.! Can smell rum and Black Orchid but bolder, more robust in how it on! She sprayed it i smelled it across the room very very strongly time... No... cloying, overpowering, earthy truffle, powdery, rich and musky fragrances that are perfect for 21st. Own i do feel like it presence known through bubble wrapping and packaging top fragrances!