Want to Photograph Boreal Birds This Winter? In true winter wonderland fashion, Minnesota offers picturesque scenes of snow-covered evergreens and iced-over lakes. Minnesota raptors include eagles, falcons, hawks, kites, osprey, owls and vultures. January 31, 1:00 PM: Virtual Owl Expert program: Owl We Need is Love: how the largest communal roost of Long-eared Owls in the world changed my life, with Milan Ružić from Serbia February 7, 1:00 PM: Virtual Owl Expert program: Using barn owl … During this time, young owls learn the skills they need to hunt on their own — before the rigors of the next winter set in. In general, northern owls such as snowies and great grays are up this winter. This short tour of Minnesota’s northlands highlights quality over quantity; looking for elusive owls and other boreal specialties across a region most birds depart for the winter… Owls are perfectly adapted to not only survive in winter but to thrive in winter. Traveling to Minnesota in the depth of winter may seem to defy reason, but for the birdwatcher, the season and place combine to produce a mouth-watering array of species. This adaptive strategy has proven very successful: Great Horned Owls are the supreme predatory night birds … Plus, thanks to … Northern owls always inspire the greatest interest; we’ll look for Snowy, Great Gray, and Northern Hawk Owls, and if we’re particularly lucky, we may find a Boreal Owl. Most owls are nocturnal which means they hunt at night. And during the winter the nights are extra long allowing more opportunities to hunt. Each winter, Minnesota says good-bye to its summer-breeding birds, but many hearty birds remain. Winter birds roam widely and it’s sometimes difficult to locate the rare visitors. Owls differ from all other North American birds in so many ways. Owls and Winter Birding in the Boreal Forest of Minnesota January 2022/2023 . To start, owls … Most Minnesota raptors have plumage in some combination of earth tones to better blend in with their environment: light to dark brown, black and white or grayish blue. Head to Minnesota's Sax-Zim Bog. Snowy owls … Minnesota provides a wonderfully rewarding experience to birders who venture into its frigid, snow-covered landscapes during the wintertime. A winter haven for elusive northern species such as Great Gray Owls, the area is a popular destination for … Birds are easy to find in the leafless trees, trails and parks are quiet, and your checklists abound with many species that can only be found in the United States in winter. The following is an introduction to identifying some of Minnesota’s more prevalent birds … Years with heavy snow cover makes hunting difficult, and many will bypass Minnesota. Owls also begin to become more vocal as they prepare for their late winter breeding season and ravens, crows and jays seem to grow bolder in the winter as well. Luckily, birders in Minnesota … This short tour focuses on a variety of birds that use Lake Superior and the boreal forest as their winter … “Some years they’ll just keeping going,” he said.