Also, you can’t use a buckler with this; Slashing Grace carries no such restriction. : Depending on how your GM interprets this, this goes from orange to green. : Slotless +1 Initiative for 500 gp; a real steal. They excel at defensive fighting, partially because they focus on Dexterity, but also because a bunch of their class features(or more accurately, their Deeds) support this playstyle. : Note that this allows you to use your Scimitar with your class features. Weapon Mastery is always fantastic. 2. Only one of these Feats is worth spending a Bonus Feat on, and that’s Antagonize. Overall, I tend to value the “as long as you have 1 at least Panache” Deeds more than their costly counterparts, just because, if you don’t have much Charisma, you may only be able to activate one Deed before you’re at exactly 1 Panache. : This is...not good, but it won’t cripple you. Or if you do, try and take Dueling Cape; it isn’t technically a shield. The Swashbuckler has the ability to serve as a Face and a Striker, but could be turned into a Defender with a few feats. Only works for a select few non-light weapons, though. Charisma is also pretty important for a Swashbuckler. You Fight Defensively, you don’t use Total Defense. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Swashbucklers are proficient with simple and martial weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. : A feat tax for ranged builds. You get a use out of it! Either way, this basically saves you a feat. Underfoot Assault (Ex): This is a fantastic way to force your target to attack you, which is one of the most important functions of a Defender. Mentioning the Revolver for a Picaroon might be a bad idea - they're an Advanced Firearm and I believe most campaigns that use firearms stick to Early Firearms (flintlocks and such, the level that Golarion's firearms development is at), so a Pepperbox might be a better option then. Underfoot Assault could be good for a class dip into Mouser Swashbuckler, but you can live without the other Deeds, and the Deeds replaced are much better than what the Mouser gets. Rodent Empathy can probably be ditched for Unnatural, and unless you have another melee Ratfolk in your party, throw Swarming out the window for...well the other options aren’t great, but hey, at least they’ll come up once or twice a blue moon. Damage is almost comparable to a regular Swashbuckler. Swashbucklers are lightly-armored combatants with a flair for intricate combat styles and agile attacks. Aim for at least a 16, before racial bonuses, here. Giving up Superior Feint and Targeted Strike is so worth it it isn’t funny. This is like the fourth in a row, technically. Pages in category "Swashbucklers" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. Problem is, whips are nonlethal, and don’t even damage most enemies, and having Whip Proficiency doesn’t technically net you Scorpion Whip Proficiency. Cheap and doesn’t cost a bonus. However, rapiers do 1d6 damage, and urumi/rhoka/katana do 1d8, so really this just patches up that slight difference in damage. : I’d rate this higher, but this loses its function at level 20, if you get there. A 1d6 that can “explode” a number of times up to your Dex mod, and that can only be applied to a handful of skills, one of which(Fly) isn’t on your Class Skill List. If you want to be a controller build, go for it, but don’t go trying to kill people with whips unless you invest some heavy feats into it. Add some cursed items into your game! Swashbuckler Grace ** (Level 7): Given how high the checks for this sort of thing are in Pathfinder, you should not be attempting this often. It’s really nice if you have any daggers - Precise Strike applies, so they’re your best ranged weapons. She can do this after she makes the check but before the result is revealed. It’s obvious that you’re supposed to be allowed to take this. : Holy balls, no. That’s what I’m here for. You only give up one level of your class progression, for 10 levels of the Prestige Class. You get to keep the stone’s normal benefits, too! However, the Mouser gives up several great Swashbuckler Deeds for some very situational options. : Wow, that was a long time without anything even halfway decent. Flavour and specific games(say, if your base of operations is an underwater basket-weaving joint) only. : Trust me, you’ll be okay. Come find out! . The Swashbuckler is a Striker and potentially a Face. Slow down there, Zoro. +2 Dex, Con, and Charisma, +2 NA Bonus, immunity to Trip - it’s all amazing for a Swashbuckler. Aw snap here we go. : More often than not, if you can’t get an exotic weapon through your race, I’d recommend using a martial one. Why? Questions? This is your 3rd(1st if Human) level feat unless you’re using a Scimitar, in which case you can use Dervish Dance if you hate Weapon Focus and like dancing. : Okay, this is kinda funny. The Swashbuckler's archetypes seek to add interesting new fighting mechanics to the Swashbuckler's already considerable prowess. : Same as Human, +2 goes to Dex or Charisma. Not a terrible choice, but consider Half-Elf first if you want Elfish flavour. Most of the alternate class features are actually just straight, if slight, upgrades. The Threatening Defender trait helps. Trading out the SLAs for Nimble Moves isn’t that bad of a deal. : It’s not awful for you Whipbucklers. : Free Weapon Finesse, except it applies to all light and one-handed piercing weapons, instead of only light a few one-handed ones. Secret Identity (Su): Very situational, and Nimble provides a much-needed bonus to AC. There are a few decent weapons available, thanks to a certain feat you’ll almost assuredly take anyway. Panache (Ex) More than just a lightly armored warrior, a swashbuckler is a daring combatant. Still, expensive for the benefit. The FCB, it’s okay? However, know that by doing so, you put off access to later Deeds and, more importantly, the Signature Deed feat. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Swashbucklers are proficient with simple and martial weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. Not the best trade, but you need it. That said, unless you really work toward it, you won’t be the party’s main damage-dealer. Spending 1 Panache to double it is just an added bonus. Since it modifies Precise Strike you are unable to use it with two-weapon fighting, which is a great option for most thrown weapon builds, but the damage from Precise Strike is excellent, and you don't need an expensive feat chain. Master doesn’t work with it since Staggered isn’t a condition Dirty Trick can normally impose. : Dodge bonus to AC. Either way, buy a ton of these and swap them out once used. Even though Pathfinder players have mostly shaken off the shiny red ball syndrome that came with the release of the Advanced Class Guide, this time they seem to be right. That’s not terrible. Note that it only lasts until the end of your turn, so you can’t Riposte at range, unfortunately. : Swift Action, 1 Panache, and only affects one attack. This is a trap. Everyone else steer clear. : If you’re a Fetchling who meets the prerequisites, go ahead. I am used to playing simpler Pathfinder classes like rogue or cleric. If your GM allows it and you like the idea of having a sidekick, take it. Awesome Inc. theme. Even without it, it isn’t like these are bad weapons, just not optimal. : Blinded is a great condition, but honestly I prefer going the Dirty Trick route for it. Curse Everyone You Meet! The vast majority of spells include verbal components, so preventing their use largely prevents enemies from casting spells. Arcane nets you a wand-using little Familiar, Fey is good since its ability doesn’t offer a save, but its 9th level ability is what you really want. Damage, defenses, he’s got it all. Of course you could always just get two of those for the same price... : If you’re a Flying Blade, you’ll want this on your daggers - unless you have a Blinkback Belt. Usually indicates that this option is outshined by other, more kickass options, or that the benefit is too situational to rely on. : For those Facebucklers out there, this is +3 on all Charisma checks; Intimidate, Diplomacy, Bluff. Written by Richard Pett, Greg A. Vaughan, Matthew Goodall, Neil Spicer, Tim Hitchcock, and Jason Nelson, it has been released as both a Pathfinder RPG and a Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Adventure Path. Deeply committed to a technical mastery of combat, swashbucklers combine discipline and daring to commit feats of advanced martial prowess. The Daring Infiltrator is a poor attempt to make the Swashbuckler into a Rogue. Weapon Finesse : It’s always handy to be able to lie to someone, and you have enough Charisma to use this effectively. After the surprise round (if any), all combatants are ready to begin the first normal round of combat. And remember, attack bonuses also help our defenses, thanks to Opportune Parry, and damage is always welcome. Deeds: The Flying Blade's deeds rework the default Swashbuckler deeds so that they work with daggers and starknives. In any case, consider Signature Deed for this. Silence Is Golden (Ex): This is a fantastic way to disable enemy spellcasters. Why is it orange? The Swashbuckler is a hybrid of the Gunslinger and the Fighter, and takes the Gunslingers Grit ability and brings it into melee. : Not the best scores, but they’ll do. Or you could trade that out for +2 to Diplomacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive, all of which are already Class Skills. Get Point Blank Master instead. They have to be shaken, but that shouldn’t be a problem for you. These are 3/4th BAB levels, though, so consider it wisely. This is the best you can get, and you should almost always take it. : Truthfully, those three stats are all a Swashbuckler needs. Let’s get back to basics. Traits: Reactionary, Dangerously Curious; or Heirloom Weapon (Cutlass, +2 to Dirty Trick), (1): Weapon Focus: Cutlass (Human), Weapon Finesse (Bonus), Slashing Grace: Cutlass, (11): Signature Deed: Opportune Parry And Riposte. Nobility depends on the campaign. Note that it being a Swift Action means you can attack first, then use it. Derring-Do (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point when she makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. You get free Weapon Finesse and had a feat(Slashing Grace) tailor-made for you for a reason. : Mostly only here because of the Sword Scion trait - +1 to attack rolls and combat maneuvers. : Given how high the checks for this sort of thing are in Pathfinder, you should not be attempting this often. : Hey, it’s basically a free Trait, take what you can get. Oh, and it doesn’t replace anything. Favoring agility and wit over brute force, the swashbuckler excels both in combat situations and social interactions, making her a versatile character indeed. This is obviously a no-go Carry a couple around with you. I’d rate it red, if not for the fact that, sometimes, you really do need just one more action to win. Transform children into changelings! Note, though, that if you can avoid a full attack by moving 5 feet, Dodging Panache is a better use of your Panache. When a character reaches the 20th level of a class, she gains a powerful class feature or ability, sometimes referred to as a capstone. This feels like, while a downgrade to the paladin, a strict upgrade to the swashbuckler. Nanite is nice if your GM allows it. Still, doing that is very, very risky. If you can convince your GM to allow it, then this gets better. It’s Power Attack for light weapons, except it doesn’t require you to have Strength. The racial Feature Vulpine Pounce is good, but you eat through Swift Actions as it is. What most will consider the main meat of this guide. : Probably isn’t going to come up a lot, but when it does, boy will you be happy you have it. Note that you substitute Charisma for Intelligence here, so you can Thog it out and still take this. : Not bad. Ain’t that great? Like humans. : I can’t rate this too low, even if guns are a shaky attack medium, because you only give up one thing. The attack roll/vs Fear bonus isn’t what you’re here for; allowing you and all your allies to reroll any saves a number of times per day up to your Charisma Modifier? : Unless you want something that has this as a prerequisite(like Point Blank Master), pass. I’m not even sure how it’s a tradeoff; triple your overland speed and still retain a pretty decent Swim Speed? The resistances and available trade-offs are mostly even. Rapier Weapon Mastery (Ex): 15-20/x3 critical hits with rapiers. : These guys are flexible, due to their variable Ability bonuses. If you want to play a Rogue, they already have a class for it. However, this only alters the ability; it doesn’t replace it. The biggest problem is that the Inspired Blade can't take Slashing Grace. Trade-outs don’t offer much help. Secondly, more and more things seem to be immune to fear effects as the game rises in level, so this would be not just situational, but flat-out useless. 5/5 on Paizo and RPGnow. Man, they started out pretty nice, but kinda tanked there at the end, huh? On the other hand, this is. Str: You might take 13 for Power Attack, but certainly no more than that, and even that is difficult to justify.This is generally the Swashbuckler's dump stat. You don’t need Int if you don’t want it. Melee Shooter (Ex): You don't want to use this often because it will eat your Panache pool too fast. Want a Dungeon at Every Level from 1 to 13? With one level of gunslinger you get a free firearm and grit points. You still get precise strike on standard actions (when you have to move into position to attack) as well as any attacks with Parry and Riptose and AOOs. : It’s not bad, per se, if you have a healer or two in your group, but it’s not nearly as good for you as it is for the Paladin. Quick-Tongued (Ex): The Swashbuckler's Charisma should be good enough that they should be good at Bluff. Trade out Sneaky for Fearsome, and maybe Darkvision for that +1 Natural Armor. This feat allows Fencing Grace, Slashing Grace and Starry Grace to work with TWF. Especially useful for the Sylvan-blooded. : If this could be done as a replacement to any attack in a Full Attack Action, it would be loads better. : This bears mentioning just for Sword Training/Exotic Weapon Training. 81 Colossal Creatures of Every Type and CR! : If you can get these at a Caster Level higher than 5th, they’re pretty good. : Why not? : Somewhat more situational than Corrosive/etc, but more damage. : These guys make decent Swashbucklers, surprisingly. The Quick Draw synergy probably isn’t worth capitalizing on, unless you want to use a Dueling dagger - drawing it as part of the Initiative check means its bonus is added to your check. : If you’re a Mysterious Avenger focused on dirty S&M Whip play, go for it. Either way, +1 untyped bonus to all saves is golden. Get a Hat of Disguise, people. Most of the alternate racial traits aren’t stellar for you, but some builds may consider Focused Study. : So, losing Dodging Panache is not good, and neither is costing 1 Panache. Other than that, everything checks out. If you expect to do this a lot for some reason, go ahead and invest. Not as nice as a bonus to initiative, but still nice. If you want a Dueling Sword for flavour, take Slashing Grace and still wear a buckler, and a Dueling dagger. : If you really build toward this, it can be great. Play an Undead Skeleton, Zombie or Vampire! : In exchange for Kip-Up you get a free action, 1 Panache-costing AoO that’s also a debuff and may in fact cause them to miss you in the first place. If your DM is nice enough to let you take Fencing Grace (which goes beyond my typical content restrictions), the Inspired Blade is absolutely fantastic. Also, you get to substitute Charisma for Combat Expertise and the like. That’s the same stats as the cutlass, rapier, and scimitar, all 1-handed weapons. Source: Deviant Art, Liliesformary, quote from Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, original novel version Introduction. : Losing an Init bonus isn’t a good thing, but this does ensure that you won’t be rendered useless by a 1st-level Obscuring Fog spell. Soar the Skies as a Dragon! Replaced Features: Deeds (Opportune Parry and Riposte, Menacing Swordplay, Targeted Strike, Bleeding Wound). All in all, not a bad deal. If the latter is correct, take it at least twice. : Good, and you won’t regret it should you choose to take this option. : This is actually not a good thing. : If you focus on whips, you want this. If you are, it’s useful. Small size isn’t terrible for you, and you can trade out the very situational Defensive Training and Hatred for Eternal Hope, which is pretty nice. You don’t need AC that badly, either, especially as a ranged build. Again, if your GM allows you to pull stunts to regain Panache, this isn’t as big of a hit. : Strangely requires Weapon Specialization instead of Point-Blank Shot, but as a Swashbuckler you qualify for that. All that said, if you’re not using a light weapon and are willing to accept the attack roll penalties to Opportune Parry as well as spreading your stats a bit thin, Power Attack is a nice, reliable boost to damage, as it always is. Still, if you need to, it’s here. We Be Dragons The Newest Module from Zenith Games. Quick Clear (Ex): Misfires are a problem, and this roughly replicates the Gunslinger's Quick Clear Deed. Please let me know if you have any ideas to improve the build, re-arrange wealth and magic items, etc. : You’re a Dex-based class and you have an ability that lets you give up an AoO to avoid an attack. Live Forever! Avenger's Target (Ex): Swashbuckler training is nice because it doesn't require an action and you can use it on multiple targets. Master occult rituals! You want that, play an Aasimar and get some actual racial abilities to go with the stat bonuses. That’s nice. That’s not half bad, especially since Targeted Strike is a Full Action and can Stagger, while this is Swift. Whenever you use Opportune Parry And Riposte, your enhancement bonus goes from +1 to +5 automatically. No, what’s good about this Deed is that, if the foe has to 5-ft step up to you in order to full attack you, you can use this to step away and avoid all but one attack(which you have a bonus to dodge). As you can probably guess, this guide’s inspired by the likes of Treantmonk, Walter’s Guide To The Magus, N. Jolly’s myriad guides, and so on. Katana, Wakizashi, Rhoka, and the Urumi are all good choices. Charging to the far side of your enemy is a great way to get into position for flanking. : You like crits, for sure, but these usually aren’t worth it. Previously was applying two instances of slow, setting the player to 1/4 speed. : This is a downgrade, because you could sort of already use these weapons as a regular Swashbuckler, and this only restricts you to them. . : 4000 gp for two uses of Stoneskin is steep, but it can vastly increase your survivability in fights against a lot of weak enemies. : This is why piddling bonuses to Disguise are not very well-appreciated. Still, don’t do it unless you absolutely need it. : +4 is way too high for this. You get none of them. When a character reaches the 20th level of a class, she gains a powerful class feature or ability, sometimes referred to as a capstone. All, I ’ d be a very good thing, Dex-based may... Are pretty subpar considering you aren ’ t be the party ’ s fine to lie to someone and. Per level is good and that you can use more Initiative, but not... S an exceptionally fun class that you have high Bluff Sense Motive, of... 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