What does it mean that variables are case-sensitive? Which is the best/proper way to declare a section that has an h2 heading and three progress elements? What is the proper JavaScript code to change the content of the second paragraph to "What does the Fox say? Set number of columns to 6 and number of rows to 2. Every row must contain the unique field’s data—if not a product code, then some other unique identifier. This does not impact the results of the formula. Which is the correct file extension for a web page? Which of the following code is the correct way to link to an email address? Instead, table rows must be filled with table data (td) and table heading (th) cells. Which code properly creates the nested list structure shown here? How much vertical space ("height") will this div use? To create a String variable, use quotes around the value you want to save. Which set of element tags is used to create the highest level heading? https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A57673_01/DOC/server/doc/SP33/ch4.htm (Provide on the property, not the value!). Which property can remove the underline from links? The default display value for paragraphs is: The default display value for element is: A block element takes up the full width of it's parent, even if the content is smaller than the parent. We do this for two reasons: Column A is the main navigational column. When selected each row total will show as 100% and all the values in each row will add up to 100% including the Grand Total row. What is the proper JavaScript code to change the content of the second paragraph to "What does the Fox say? This string will be what shows up as the column header. The style tag and the style attribute are interchangeable -- this means that you accomplish the same effect with both. It is just a visual nuance to be aware of. Consider the following code using Bootstrap 3: The Bootstrap 3 grid system is based on how many columns? Which of the following is the best way to use a Font Awesome icon to link to Twitter? Which CSS3 property is used to center text? Which HTML element will number items for you? What are the four principles of Accessibility? JavaScript uses what kind of interface to access the DOM structure? The styling contained in the style tag has precedence over the style attribute. When looking at the formula in Edit mode, only the cells in the header row and current row are selected. Which fluid measurement type returns a percentage of the viewport width? HTML Table - Add Cell Padding Cell padding specifies the space between the cell content and its borders. (A high value means it is more likely to be place in front of another.) OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. What is the best/proper way to create a footer that has an image, paragraph, and link? Semantic code describes the ___ of content on a page, regardless of the style or appearance of that content. ", How do you properly access the first element in an array variable named "fruit", Which of the following is NOT a fluid measurement. Which CSS3 property allows you to change property values smoothly over a given duration? This might be used for a header cell that titles a group of columns, or a side-bar that groups rows of entries. If you have an element with the font size of 32px, and a child element inside with a a font-size set to 2em, what is the font size of the child in px? Delete row 2. Which measurement is easier and comfortable for the designer/developer to use when coding their CSS but does not provide the best experience for the user? Table rows don’t contain any data directly. Which is the best/proper way to declare the header for a page? The start attribute defines the number from which an unordered list should start. Which of the following rules styles the first paragraph in each div? ( T/F ), The first graphical browser was.... (please use one word answer). A _______ is the size of type as computed relative to the type size of the top level "html" element rather than a parent element. Which tag represents a line break (new line)? So two block elements at the same will not be side-by-side. Which HTML element is used to define list items? A ________________________ is a computer that is in charge of handling resource requests from multiple computers. Which version of HTML introduced semantic tags? ( T/F). Which snippet of CSS is commonly used to center an element horizontally? In JavaScript the keyword ___________ is used to declare a variable. Which is the best/proper way to declare that the language for your page is English? Then give find the required parameters it should find it for you fine. A standard navigation pill is created with: True or False, the Bootstrap grid system works across multiple devices. (You will need to search for this online it is not in the notes. (Choose 2), A basic functionality of browsers is to translate HTML documents into viewable webpages. Which of the following is the best way to convey that your text has special meaning? What is the best/proper way to create the meta-data for your page? The